As a business owner, you shoulder a tremendous number of responsibilities to ensure you are offering a competitive benefits package to your employees. Now, thanks to a 401k alternative known…
Three Keys to Prepping a Family-Owned Business for a Successful Transition
Deciding to sell your family-owned business isn’t just a financial decision; it’s an emotional journey that involves your colleagues, your loved ones and, in many cases, your family’s legacy. As…
2024 Markets Outlook: Markets Look Poised to Move Higher, Despite High Levels of Uncertainty
Although market forecasting is tricky business, we begin 2024 with our predictions. Each year, the RKL Investment Team holds our annual Market Outlook Summit to debate our “base-case” view for…
SECURE Act 2.0 Key Highlights for Retirement Savers
The 2023 Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA), which President Biden signed on December 29, 2022, contains a multitude of laws and legislative provisions. From a retirement saving perspective, the CAA’s biggest…
Social Security 2023 Cost of Living Adjustment: What Can Recipients Expect?
A historically high cost of living adjustment (COLA) is on the way for the approximately 66 million Americans who receive Social Security benefits. On October 13, the Social Security Administration…